Venus’ Mirror
There is a natural crater lake located in the northern part of Pantelleria.
That is also the only spot on the island where you find sandy white shores that frame the sparkling blue and green waters. Named Specchio di Venere, Venus’ Mirror, the lake is used as a natural spa by the Pantellerians – and the visitors follow.
When we arrive, we see people relaxing in the hot springs or walking around the lake wearing full-body mud masks over their swimwear.
The residues of the volcanic activity heat the water which is rich with minerals and therefore perfect for a gentle exfoliating of the skin. There is a subtle scent of sulfur in the air and once you apply the mud on your skin, it tingles.
I would try a hot spring, find a cold spot for change, then go back to the heat and relax. There is something refreshingly primitive about the whole experience, and afterwards you feel like leaving a good spa: relaxed, happy and hungry.
More Minutes stories on Pantelleria here.