the art of living

  • Simple and easy things

    The Minutes newsletter goes out the first Sunday of the month. This month, anticipating the holiday season and…

  • Got mail

    I started a newsletter. For some reason, good old email feels like the most meaningful platform for somewhat…

  • La-di-da

    I have a favorite beach. It’s located by the Adriatic Sea next to a mountain and a large…

  • Too Busy To Focus

    Lack of time is a weird concept. Because when you think about it, time is all we have.…

  • The Earth Cure

    I listen to a lot of podcasts when I travel because it is such a great way to…

  • That Divine Feminine

    Many Eastern philosophies view the dynamics of the world as two opposing powers: yin and yang, shakti and…

  • All The Best Books

    At a time and age that is so overly saturated with image, I often find myself thirsty for…

  • Focus

    When things get really bad, we tend to forget, that it is our thought about the situation that…

  • Soul Food

    “Nothing can survive without food. Everything we consume acts either to heal us or to poison us. We…

  • On blindness

    Too often we are blind to how great how life is. We see what we lack, but we…